Reign Of Terror........Boko Haram fighters behead three in Cameroon

Boko haram continued their reign of terror around West/Central Africa as three(3) villagers were beheaded during weekend raids in Cameroon, The monstrous group who had formed alliance with ISIS also killed another four people in a separate raid overnight, security forces said Monday.

The first attack took place on Sunday in the neighbouring villages of Tchebe-Tchebe and Dzaba, about 10 kilometres (six miles) from the Nigerian border, said a security agent based in the region. The beheadings took place in Tchebe-Tchebe.

The assailants also set fire to land owned by villagers as well as a Catholic church, the source added. The report was confirmed by another local security source, who said that access to the villages was difficult for troops because of the mountainous terrain.

Another four people were killed overnight in the town of Afade, much farther north, near Lake Chad, Cameroon police said. “Boko Haram attacked the town of Afade around one in the morning (Monday),” a gendarmerie official said, requesting anonymity. He said the assailants torched police and military facilities and slit an inmate’s throat.


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