I Hope Nigeria Sends Some Election Observers.....Poll Shows Biden Does Better than Clinton Against Leading Republicans

As the countdown to the Race for the white house hots up....Here’s one more reason to continue speculating about whether Vice President Joe Biden will enter the presidential race: he polls better nationally against the leading three Republican candidates than Hillary Clinton, and has a higher favorability rating, too.

According to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday, if Biden was the democratic candidate, he would beat Donald Trump by eight points (48 – 40 percent), former Florida Governor Jeb Bush by six points (45 – 39) and Senator Marco Rubio by three points (44 – 41). Clinton only beats Trump by four points (45 – 41), Bush by two points (42 – 40) and Rubio by one point (44 – 43).

Eighty-three percent of Democrats view Biden favorably, compared to 76 percent and 54 percent who approve of Clinton and Vermont Senator Sanders, respectively. Among all registered voters, Biden has a 48 percent favorability rating, while Clinton came in at 39 percent and Sanders at 32 percent.


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