Trump Show Continues...kicks Univision Anchor Jorge Ramos Out of Press Event

At a press event in Iowa on Tuesday, Donald Trump had Jorge Ramos escorted out of the room after the Univision anchor tried to ask him questions about his immigration policies.
In a video from the event, Ramos is heard trying to ask a question about deportation before the GOP presidential candidate cuts him off. 

“Excuse, me. Sit down. You weren’t called. Sit down. Sit down,” Trump said.

“I have the right to ask a question,” Ramos said, to which Trump responded quickly:  “No you don’t. You haven’t been called… Go back to Univision.”

He was escorted out of the room by security, but according to CNN, he was allowed back in 10 minutes later....Trump refuted the suggestion that he had Ramos removed from the room and said he would be fine if he returned.

“You can’t just stand up and scream. He is obviously a very emotional person,” Trump said of Ramos, who soon reentered the press conference....The two then went back and forth over Trump’s insistence on building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent the influx of undocumented immigrants. Trump then told Ramos that, as President, he would handle immigration “in a very humane fashion.”

“Good to have you back,” Trump told him when he was allowed back into the room. Ramos then asked Trump specifics about his deportation policies, including his plans for a border, and insisted “you cannot deny citizenship to children born in this country.”
“How are you going to deport 11 million?” Ramos asked, referring to the number of illegal immigrants he plans to deport.

“Very humanely, believe me,” Trump replied. “I have a bigger heart than you do.”


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