Barak Nwa-Obama..... Many Americans Still Question President Obama’s Faith

A new poll finds that some Americans still question President Barack Obama’s religion and country of origin.
President Barack Obama identifies as Christian, and he was born in Hawaii. But according to a CNN/ORC poll released Sunday, 29% of Americans polled think Obama is a Muslim, and 13% think he was born outside the United States.

Forty-three percent of the people polled who identify as Republicans said Obama is a Muslim, while only 15% of those who identify as Democrats agreed he is Muslim...Of those who identify as Republicans, 20% of them said Obama was born outside the United States, while only 10% of those who identify as Democrats said he was born outside the United States.

Obama released a long form birth certificate in 2011 in response to the rumors that he was not born in the United States (even though by law, only natural-born-citizens can be president), but apparently it hasn’t convinced everyone.

Sixteen percent of Republicans polled said there is solid evidence that Obama was not born where his birth certificate says he was. Only 3% of Democrats polled agreed with that.
Twelve percent of Republicans polled said there is only suspicion that Obama was born elsewhere, while 9% of Democrats polled agreed.

Only 39% of Americans polled knew correctly that Obama is a Christian; however, 59% of those polled said correctly that Obama was born in Hawaii.
The poll interviewed 1,012 adults by phone between Sept. 4 and Sept. 8. There is a +/-3% margin of error for the total percentages, a +/-5.5% margin of error for the Republican percentages and a +/-6% margin of error on the Democrat percentages.


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